Ireland Trip Details
Travel dates are as follows:
Depart USA 11th June 2025
Arrive in Ireland 12th June 2025
Last night in Ireland 19th June 2025
Fly home 20th June 2025
The final trip price will be approximately $4100. The final cost will be advised once we have all the bookings and number of travelers in place.
Payment information
First payment: $1000 due by September 30th 2024 to secure your spot. $800 is refundable until December 31st 2024.
Second payment: $1500 due prior to air 15th February 2025.
Final payment: $1600 due prior to 31st March 2024 (Amount is subject to change depending on final numbers etc.)
If you are a dad travelling with a son, you can do one payment for both of you, they do not need to be separate payments. Just remember on the payment link page the first box that appears is account name enter both your name and your sons, on the next page you enter cardholder name.
These three payments total $4100, which is our projected per person cost. Our final cost should be right around this amount, but we just can’t promise a final cost until accommodations, rental cars, activities, and number of travellers etc. are secured. Please know that airfare was over $350 higher than last years cost (because to fuel surcharges), but this increase has already been factored into the $4100.
Also, please know that giving a projected cost early on, rather than a final cost, is exactly the way the school has always done it – so we are following that model.
Trip Insurance
Trip insurance is available and is separate from the full trip cost. Insurance costs are based on the of travelers age and the trip cost of the budgeted $4100. Note, this insurance covers illness, including covid.
Age up to 20 years $258.30
Age up to 45 years $321.85
Age up to 59 years $321.85
Age up to 69 years $455.10
A separate email will come out asking if you want to do insurance on your trip and an example of what the policy covers.
It is recommended by your group organizer to buy insurance but it is not mandatory.
There will be a booking form coming to your email shortly and this form must then be completed and submitted directly to Jennifer Winters
Online payments
Please use the following link to make payments towards your upcoming trip. You will be redirected to an external secure link managed by Repay.